1. It doesn't really feel like they are targeting enterprise with this, at least not in their marketing, do you think that they are? That's most of what I can think of outside of gaming that is at least a non-zero percent of the total market share. Gaming is definitely the largest use-case of VR. I don't think Apple is not focusing on it per se with the Vision Pro, I think they simply didn't have sufficient time or buy in from devs to make games yet, if they aren't trying to run games on the AVP, I would consider that a bit shortsighted. I don't think you can effectively target the consumer VR market without games, maybe I'm wrong though.

  2. Melbourne crowds were sad Rinky lost and decided more shouting was needed to help Thanasi.

  3. Honestly obnoxious having watched it, Ofner was playing well but the crowd was ridiculous, poor form from the Aussies.

  4. You’ve been downvoted but, even as an Aussie, I agree with you. It wasn’t that the crowd was one-sided but they were actively against Ofner. Even when he did some amazing things and came up clutch, the crowd was dead silent at best, and they started applauding his mistakes etc. I wanted Kokk to win but would have been happy for the more vocal members of the crowd to go home disappointed.

  5. Yeah, it's one thing to root for your player, but I don't think cheering faults is sporting.

  6. Excuse me for asking, but these are strong accusations, do you have any sources supporting it?

  7. https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en

  8. This is just evil. Hiding such things behind shiny rank graphics is just wrong. Thank you for this source!

  9. No problem friendo. It sucks cause like, SBMM is so pervasive now, I feel like I don't even bother playing ranked modes in games, it is utterly meaningless, in almost all games you improve by playing people better than you, not being trapped in a 50% winrate small pond where you're never exposed to the top end of the game. It used to be that the quality of the games you got in ranked modes were better than casual (whether that was through gametypes or what have you) now most games have identical gameplay from casual to ranked, both have SBMM.....why even make them separate at all??? It's weird.

  10. The comments discussing autism in a mildly ableist way is just not helping my mood as an autistic person lol.

  11. it's begging the question really, it's the only thing people can think of that isn't the real answer of "No, people who are genuinely cognitively deficient are not master level chess players." So they immediately want to jump to autism as a "non-default" neurotype. Personally I don't think chess necessarily means someone is high IQ, but if you have issues with working memory, visualization, spatial reasoning, those are going to be disadvantages, and having all of those things on the tail end....which generally most high IQ people have (which the tests uh, are built around, so it isn't shocking) is going to help with chess. It's a not great question/topic because people are going to jump out of the woodwork to give their 2c armchair psychology.

  12. I think it was Ben Finegold who said there were two Wesleys, the one that plays other super GMs and draws a lot, and the one that plays lower rated players and rips their throats out (paraphrasing a bit)

  13. If this is just 1800 rapid on Chess.com, that is very, very doable, but I think you should evaluate if you want to be a "well rounded" 1800 or merely an 1800. You should learn one opening and know almost all the theory for that line, especially a very sharp gambit opening, you aren't trying to win every game, you just want to gain rating. Also, you shouldn't be taking games with high downside while you climb, abort games with lower rated players (this is obviously gamesmanship and looked down upon but hey it's your money). I don't know if this is 10 minute or 15 minute or whatever with increment, but 10min without increment you can flag people if you get into complicated positions. Figure out your ways to win, either get an advantage materially out of the opening, or if they refute your opening, a time advantage that you can leverage for later. Do NOT try to become an all around player, in my opinion, that will simply take too much time, and you are too liable to lose rating in the interim, you are working against the clock here. I think it's doable, this isn't 1800 OTB after all.

  14. any reasonable person would agree that in premiers Toss is underperforming, ignore anyone who says otherwise. They literally haven't won one yet this year so anyone saying otherwise is looking for a reaction.

  15. Having gotten back into watching SC2 after playing WoL competitively, I don't even understand how protoss is supposed to beat terran right now. I've seen so many protoss die to two base bio timings regardless of what opening they have had it's ridiculous, and then if the game goes on longer, they seem to lose even harder. Colossi and disruptors just feel incredibly weak, and disruptors just so poorly designed and difficult to balance they should honestly be removed from the game entirely. They should probably buff stalkers but nerf blink, or simply nerf marauders (which wouldn't really change TvZ balance, and TvT is inherently balanced). It is absurd to constantly see two base terran out-macro-ing 3-4 base Protoss, that dies if they tech, dies 5 minutes later if they don't tech (relying on gateway units), dies if they go air, dies if they go storm instead of robo, dies if they go robo because Ravens....it honestly feels insane to me that they didn't do more to balance PvT.

  16. Ah this one is interesting, I'm surprised black scores so poorly? glancing at it on the board it feels like white's king is fairly exposed and your queen side pawns have been overextended? I don't see a clear attack meanwhile white has to desperately develop pieces.

  17. There's a lot of endgames like this, where the engine knows it's a draw but it's tough to play accurately as a human.

  18. That first position is absolutely brutal, I can see your point with endgames especially. I was thinking more of the middlegame when I asked this without even thinking about draws or stalemates.

  19. I also have the 250. One of the things I like about the 250 more than nearly any other purifier I have or have tried, is the sound of the fan. Everyone who has heard it compared to the other brands in the house agree that it is a pleasant sound - even at slightly higher decibels than other products, I'm able to sleep with it on in my room - other products, like the Alens, a CR box, and some BlueAirs, I have to turn off or turn way down.

  20. I have the Coway ProX, and looking at the 250, it looks like half of the ProX, and yeah the thing is both not loud and overall pleasant sounding. On max it's way less loud than my vortex fan on my carbon filter while moving more air.

  21. Well, it looks like there really is more 71, but how to calculate exactly what it is 74, and not 74.5 or 73, I don't understand. Therefore, I used a general calculation algorithm for all guns, which does not work well, with a lot of damage per shot. But this value does not affect the calculation of the TTK, so everything is not so critical...

  22. ???? I don't know what you mean exactly, but the game tells you your damage numbers. I know from playing that it does 74 body and 148 head, so a 2x multiplier for the head. Or 222 damage in 3 shots, since that is what kills a light with only the gun.

  23. ...In your death feed everytime you die? Or in your combat stats? you could check every weapon if you wanted to

  24. I am in the same boat. Altuve was one of my favorite players. I just suck at picking baseball idols. Sammy Sosa was one of my favorites too.

  25. Altuve didn't cheat though, Correa went on the record saying as much and you can tell from the video evidence he hated it, he just didn't snitch on his teammates, which you can hardly blame him for.

  26. Not sure about the terrabloom but I know the Vortex have it listed, I have the s-600 and it's pretty great thus far, not sure how they compare though, honestly.

  27. I looked into it and Vortex products (and fan curves) seem comparable. Their filters advertise 0.75 in WG which is significant, and renders the use case I described as all but impossible except for their most robust offerings. Which would be overkill in every sense of the word. Thanks for bringing up Vortex, it helped me see the numbers for myself.

  28. For what it's worth, the terrablooms are 46mm of carbon and the Vortex are 66mm, so I'd expect the terrabloom to have less resistance? I actually misread your post and thought you meant the fans and not the canisters, but I have the canister as well, haha, the pro 75.

  29. I have the ProX and have been running in for a week in various rooms (windows open and closed) with AirThings monitors in each room. I can say with near certainty that it does nothing to remove VOC and CO2 levels. I have the data and pictures to prove it if you PM me.

  30. How do you like the ProX? I just ordered one, wasn't actually keen on it's carbon filters(I run a vortex canister, that does reduce VOCs, according to my two monitors in different parts of the house.) are they removable? I was hoping to eventually find a cheaper replacement HEPA for it skipping the carbon filter entirely, which based on what you're saying is practically worthless.

  31. Yeah skip the carbon. I found the best thing to do is just open your windows for 30mins is better than any high end purifier can do to VOC or CO2 levels in half a day.

  32. Yeah thanks, yeah before I had the canister I'd open the windows, probably will during the winter, but our summers are too hot/humid for it to be worth the loss of cold inside air. I'm planning to use the ProX on tile so should be fine, I have a big open floorplan living room so wanted max CFMs, and it's advertised as being 46db at max, which I'm skeptical of, but hoping that's correct, because it'd be amazing to run it on high at that low a noise level.

  33. This is so cool compared to the 1K+ consumer crap with crazy filter replacement costs. How much carbon is in your model, what's the expected life of your filter and did you ever get a post filter to handle any carbon dust?

  34. I did similar with the Vortex canister and their s600 fan...shit weighs over 80lbs, getting essentially a steel drum up my stairs was a bit of a chore. I know they saturate as others have mentioned before, but the Austin air says what? 5 years? for their filter that has around 40lbs (the most I saw any filter have in an air purifier) and it's $400, so if I get 5 years out of a canister it doesn't seem bad....but some of the forums for growers (the original use case) they seemed to laugh at the idea of ever replacing the canister for a small tent so...ymmv?

  35. I stumbled on this whole thing recently when I was looking for air purifiers and saw the shitstorm of a rabbit hole, honestly I think

  36. Dude I'm so tired of everyone doubting us as if we didn't just sweep two series winning 4 road games in a row.

  37. I called y'all as my dark horse earlier in the season and feeling pretty smug about it rn. Hope to see y'all in the WS. Sneks play baseball good.

  38. I swear to god if the Astros win the WS after we spent all season listening to Astros fans complain about Dusty.

  39. Look it's still dumb that Yainier isn't getting more starts and ABs, that we win in spite of this is inexplicable (not that i'm complaining)

  40. Last game he was pretty bad, he should have been played earlier, bat is now cold he's out of rhythm

  41. Yeah hard to get into it, Maldy has done better than expected but still feels like we could use the extra offense. Hopefully he can have some clutch ABs in the ALCS.

  42. Cheers, fellow Pilot Custom 823 Clear inked with Yama-Budo!

  43. I have the amber can I still join the crew?

  44. I thought about that one but I have ginkgo tree instead from colorverse that's a similar color, I have that in my mango safari though ^

  45. This is my exact situation. I've optimized everything I could at this point: heat pump water heater, 90% solar window screens, variable speed pool pump, shut out blinds, seal and insulate attic to R48... in August we used 4800 kwh!

  46. I'm in a similar boat but still installing solar, I use similar to you in energy, i'm getting a good price bundling in a roof replacement (honestly needed it anyways) and I'm about to get fucked on renewing my 5 year energy plan....if you're gonna use the energy I think it makes sense. There's also the added benefit of plastering your roof with solar reducing your cooling costs....you're basically adding a huge air gap of insulation+they obviously absorb some of the energy. I'm honest to god convinced that it may be the only way to cool my house, I've got new units and they can't keep up when it's 100+ degrees and nearly the same at night, the heat dome was unbearable. 20 degrees delta is already great for any AC unit....not much help when it's friggin 110.

  47. Ondra had more 9b+ than anyone though, I agree armchair grading but I definitely trust Jakob more given his pedigree compared to Megos on biblio, as an example. Jakob has looked incredibly fit this year and in form, so could just be a motivation and form thing, and possibly could have taken a lot longer to send if he started and had to workload his way into it, maybe.

  48. Alex has FA more hard sport routes than Jakob by a long way. , Fight Club, Perfecto Mundo, Bibliographie, Ratstaman Vibration and The Full Journey are all at least 9b FA Megos. Jakob hasn't had a 9b FA.

  49. Does there? What real difference does it make to the grade? He's climbed 9b and 9b+, has a lot of 9bs climbed, and is in great form this year at competition, so given all that, I'm inclined to believe his grade. It wasn't that I necessarily didn't think that Megos could FA 9c, for the record. But I'm also more skeptical of the 2nd 9c than the third(4th time it's been suggested by an FA) I suppose.

  50. Mission Solar makes panels in the states, as others have mentioned, I'm also fairly sure that Hanwha is investing in some US-based manufacturing? Unsure on the ramp up for that. edit: apparently that's an expansion of their Dalton GA factory which seems to have existed at least as far back as 2019?

  51. What? They do really good damage and impact, and have reasonable tracking. I've used mid-range builds with two of them+linear rifles and stay in the air mostly. Just make sure to wait for the full lock-on and they absolutely truck people. You'll easily get ACS strain if they connect and the enemy isn't at non-zero strain already from the linear rifles.

  52. but how do you hit them with the linear rifle, it's really easy to dodge, though I do like seeing people talk about this off meta stuff, keep getting duel zimmermans, or missile boats

  53. the Curtis have a fast enough fire rate that they won't dodge all of them, and they still need to dodge the light wave missiles, if you use the nachter or whatever arms with a long range FCS it doesn't matter if you aren't hitting them every time because you'll be out of their range anyways. It's definitely not the best build I have used, but certainly serviceable. My other post has my two bread and butter off-meta builds, if you could even call them that.

  54. They already said that there will be a separate patch adressing pvp balance right ?

  55. Yeah, hopefully it brings down some of the more ridiculous end game weapons or buffs stability or AP to make fights a bit more than stunlock and OHKO.

  56. Bringing down stun builds is the way honestly, especially any builds that abuse the kick.

  57. or the ACS-->punch->punch->punch->melee stuff, haha. It just convinces me more that quad/tank high AP is the highest of the meta if you are playing it right, simply because you'll actually survive some of the crazy combos.

  58. Fluke IRR1-SOL or similar, you could have just googled irradiance meter lol.

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