1. It’s equally bad for a returning player. I played D2 on launch and was there day 1 for its first 3 expansions: Curse of Osiris, Warmind, and Forsaken.

  2. Forsaken was peak destiny 2. When they started having huge story stuff be part of seasons and then expiring it never to be seen again it I noped out and haven't looked back. To keep up on the game is like having a second job and if you take a break you miss things forever.

  3. Unfortunately I skipped it and anything after because there was so much story from seasons that I missed. I would be going in missing entire very important plotlines. Sunsetting overall plot stuff is the dumbest thing ever.

  4. Being highly rated and even well liked is one thing. Doing numbers is different thing. Nobody was saying “I need to get an Xbox Series so I can play Hi-Fi Rush!” like they did for, say, God of War Ragnarok/PS5 or Tears of the Kingdom/Switch.

  5. Why do you assume microsoft's goal is to sell Xboxes?

  6. You gotta love the hypocrisy of Liberals. Supposedly they’re all about freedom of choice, freedom of speech, do your own thing, etc. You know, all of those things that aren’t allowed in Fascist countries or dictatorships. But it doesn’t fly when it comes to political choices. You gotta think like them or you’re a bad person.

  7. At least the dems aren't actively eroding the rights of large swathes of the population. Any woman that isn't a brainwashed tradwife who votes for republicans gets a raised eyebrow from me.

  8. The movie was bizarre in a way that I loved so much. I'm glad I went in knowing nothing and just taking the full brunt force of the movie. Would watch again.

  9. I see a lot of awful optimistic takes such as “this will help the democrats take back the house and blah blah”. Yes, dems will get more votes.

  10. And all because of an orange manchild and his sycophants

  11. How do people who support the party not feel like they are being taken for a ride?!

  12. With as great as the game is, why is this still a thing? It is very difficult to take a sport seriously that has this ridiculous performative flopping.

  13. Yeah it just makes the whole sport dumb overall. I'd rather watch Hockey, 100x better

  14. Congrats you are recreating diablo 3

  15. Isn't every citizen required to stop and help? (if the conditions are safe enough). I know that here where I live you can go to prison for not helping someone without a valid reason.

  16. What if this happens and it's in a busy place with 100 cars? Do all 100 drivers have to stop and crowd the scene?

  17. Yeah jeez, these replies are depressing as hell. We all make idiotic decisions at points in our lives, not just driving. I guess I’d hope someone else would try and help a lil bit if dumb teenage-me did something like this.

  18. This goes incredibly wildly beyond dumb decision. This is purposefully negligent and endangering others.

  19. If yoshi P didn't have a good raid team he would actually be exposed for how much he ruins these games. Every FF16 complaint applies to FF14, shallow,no difficulty, fetchquest boring world, dumbed down for mass appeal, no depth, no rpg mechanics

  20. ... but elden ring added tons of stuff to make it more accessible to the masses compared to other fromsoft games ...

  21. totally seconding this. old school RPGs in the 90s and early 2Ks weren’t making things all cushy for the gamers, and everybody played the games fine. they were fun partly because of the difficulty, and often times the lengthy & rich content (for the era). I don’t need games to look to magic unicorns, there needs to be more focus and larger portions of the budget poured into making the game worth replaying. when there’s little to no challenge for an RPG, why even play it

  22. Why must games be replayable? Live service games have ruined the industry by making everyone believe that every game should be played like a second job indefinitely or it's not good, ugh.

  23. I never said bots. I said astroturfing. Aka, someone like you, whose only other recent comment on WSB is also Elon related. Someone who actually thinks “the economy is better now than it was before Biden.” Coming here, and spewing your brainwashed Seattle liberal cuck circle jerk nonsense. Find god.

  24. Which god should people find? Can it be Thoth? I want some moon god action.

  25. Hate rolling for stats honestly, I'm so glad that array and pointbuy are the most accepted methods now. Feels like shit to have a single die roll on day 0 doom you for the entire campaign.

  26. I find it more fun to roll shitty. You can build your character around being really bad in a stat. I had a spores druid who was supposed to be nearly a walking skeleton with a strength of 6. I didn't make the character as frail as I did until I rolled a 6 in my stats and put it in strength. Ended up with many fun moments over it.

  27. Obviously there's no good way to announce layoffs, but I'm interested to hear your perspective - Do you think the advance notice was a better or worse method than sudden announcement?

  28. I can tell you the worst way based on reports from people I know. At Microsoft they had monthly trickle layoffs for almost the entire calendar year of 2023. It got to the point that everybody was afraid of the beginning of every month because a new trickle-layoff would happen.

  29. Murder isn’t a reasonable response to being inconvenienced. Arrest, absolutely.

  30. Should tell everyone in that ambulance they held up about how this was just an inconvenience.

  31. Cock-fighting - it's so common in the Philippines though. Most of our devoted neighbors to this "hobby" will literally let their entire family skip meals just so they can have bet money.

  32. I think in general anybody who raises and uses animals of all kinds whether roosters, dogs, etc to fight for betting is a huge red flag. It tells a lot about the kind of person you are.

  33. if a video game exists and has a female character theres a 75% ashly burch is in it somehow

  34. Is she the new Jennifer Hale?

  35. The idea of 'kids waste their money on unlike people in MY generation' has been around since money and generations were invented lol

  36. The whole casino plotline was so awful and wasted time. You can skip the entire thing and miss almost nothing at all in the movie.

  37. It's great if you like to watch spaceships land for about 10 minutes straight with no dialog. It's the slowest movie in the entire list. Sure it was influential but last time I tried to watch it I just stopped and decided to remember the cliffnotes instead.

  38. So really we should remove the root of the problem and delete celebrity worship from humanity

  39. I had absolutely no clue Bloodborne sold this well. I thought that it was maybe at less than 1.5 million sales given that it's been 8.5 years and we've heard of nothing new with the franchise.

  40. It's the best FromSoft game so I'm not that surprised.

  41. History has shown us what wishing entire swathes of people didn't exist anymore led to...

  42. Good luck filling the story gaps between those expansions that happen during the season though. The game requires you to go watch lore videos on youtube now.

  43. Man, I liked Starfield, I didn't overhyped it or anything. I just took it for what it was -yet another Bethesda game-, and went with it; I enjoyed it, but you read twitter and reddit, you would think it was one of the worst games ever made or something; almost every day there's a new headline of somebody pointing out something they didn't like about the game...

  44. You're right. It's missing the constant ads to head to the cash shop to buy armor skins or the battle pass that doesn't add anything really new to the game but still extracts money from you. It's missing lots of modern game advancements.

  45. I'm with you. Starfield was a very enjoyable 100ish hours for me. Not a 10/10 like every gamer expects every game to be but I had fun and didn't regret it.

  46. No it was incredibly disrespectful and Geoff shouldn’t have allowed it

  47. Maybe they should release an actual campaign with their $70 game then.

  48. I don't think GamePass fills the niche that quality exclusives do.

  49. Yet in the same paragraph gamers will complain about exclusives and how awful they are for consumers.

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