1. Huh, wouldn't have guessed that. I forgot some ants can fly. Thank you!!

  2. Most (of not all, but unsure) ant species have winged swarmers (alates), who are the reproductive ones, who also scout out new places to start colonies.

  3. Dude should have called. Like. "Hey when u get here call me, I'll meet you at ""x""

  4. NY here, my week has also been super shitty. I usually avrage 20-30$ an hour depending on the day but this week I'm lucky to scrape in 20 an hour trying my hardest

  5. Depending on if there was a chance of getting more orders when I got there I'd take it. If it was a slow day, I'd take it. I'd proably take it lol

  6. I love this catcher, had the same one in a tall 3 stage bong. Fill it from the bowl side and under fill your bong just a tiny bit. It will even out nice for a heavy pull. At least that's what always worked for me

  7. Saw some comments ts about support, I actually really like Dd support. I'm 2000 orders in, been doing this for over a year and support had been awesome 9/10 tbh. Idk maybe I just have good luck

  8. This is a cosplay?! I legit thought it was a statue. Super accuret, fantastic job

  9. Bad drivers in the city, deer in the country. Catches me off guard tho when I almost hit a deer in the middle.of the city tho lmao

  10. I vape pretty much all day for the last 6 years. My lungs feel incredible and sound great to docters

  11. Update. I finally was able to talk to somebody inside of McDonald's yesterday. It is a rewards card for doordash drivers. I asked the guy about what took place and he said, that is a doordash reward card and for every 10 deliveries you guys pick up from here, we stamped this card or we put a bunch on it. We give you a free meal after the 10th punch. So he was asking for her doordash punch card so that he could punch it and after she picks up the 10th delivery, she gets a free meal. So he gave me a card and I got one punch cuz I picked up one delivery. I don't feel like this was advertised at all but maybe it was and I missed the email. But if your McDonald's participates in it and they're supposed to, ask them about the doordash rewards card where after 10 deliveries that you pick up, you get a free meal. So I hope that helps everybody cuz I was so glad to figure out myself what was going on there. Good luck dashing and stay safe friend.

  12. That's awesome! I pick up at least 3 or 4 from mcdonolds every day so that'd be awesome

  13. They make amazing videos. Always straight facts and awesome visual representation

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