1. Then grandma comes along and says “you got time to lean you got time to clean!”

  2. All yours for the low low price of $92, footwear and sweet hairdo not included.

  3. I did not know George Santos was in this show! He truly is a renaissance man.

  4. Eddie at least got to say goodbye to someone that cared about him. Jason was half the man Eddie was.

  5. Can't remember her name right now but I really wanted him to end up with the girl from the planetarium. They had good chemistry (until he accused her of being a murderer lol), they had similar interests, and it fit perfect with his "did you hear about Pluto?".

  6. 🍍 I think even after the murder accusation they could have made it work. 😎

  7. I remember one episode where Arvid had a cold and refused to stay home. I believe he was worried about not having perfect attendance and eventually everyone else in the class including the teacher got sick and eventually he was the only one in the class.

  8. I swore they made a jalapeño spam and this photograph proves me right. I have not been able to find it anywhere in northwest Ohio.

  9. Every single one of your knows my arse isn't hairy. Yet none of you spoke up. And I will never forgive you!

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