1. They should be investigating the home’s ownership of title and how it got from the deceased person to the current owner. Was the current owner a prior caregiver of the elderly deceased homeowner? Super sketchy. Also, was she collecting/depositing social security the entire 9 years she’s been in the freezer?

  2. I am thinking it is someone collecting checks ss on an elderly parent.

  3. Plug main drain. Not wise to let a gunite drain completely...

  4. In a situation where there’s underground water - I agree. But in this situation we haven’t been told what the water table is.

  5. The water is below everything except the Main Drain.. so they need to plug and pressure test it.

  6. https://www.looploc.com/contact-us/?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0vWnBhC6ARIsAJpJM6eDg418HBbx7I-XmnvpFf9S7m4WKj7S7z4m5yFTVVMyINDzqfHNDJkaAgawEALw_wcB

  7. I’m a fan of Loop-Loc Pool Covers. They’re able to customize their covers to match any challenge that you might encounter. I’ve been installing them since 1984.

  8. I’m of a mind that 1- you rent a porta potty ( temporarily) 2- you go after the realtor / local building department for recompense to correct the issue. 3- Use your Veteran status and contact your local TV station.

  9. Well, maybe low in Cl but should be safe. If they used pure liquid Cl it won’t turn blue. Just transparent which is perfectly fine. Ask host to see if they have some extra Cl in the house and add half a gallon. Overnight it should be peachy. Tell the owner that if it had some algae, he can’t just follow standard directions. Cl will be depleted on the presence of algae. That’s why we have to SLAM pools

  10. Liquid chlorine has a “ shelf life “ if sitting in the sun , in the jug.. it does degrade.

  11. Didn’t necessarily look like it in in the pic to me, but I was going from the op comment that it remained cloudy below 1.5 ft.

  12. So basically you’re a member of the “ No Shit Sherlock “ school ?? 🤔😂😂

  13. Would he have had a reason to be where the car/belongings were found? Camera footage from nearby available? The car would have had to come through the middle of the village. There has to be some footage around.

  14. No, actually. The Beach is on the Western end of the Village of Montauk. So, no cams are in play. There’s been some unfortunate developments- not yet made public.

  15. Many filters are not designed to eliminate dissolved minerals ( iron/copper) 1- check the pH AND Alkalinity of your faucet water. 2- another poster mentioned “ Metal-Gone” Or similar. These are chelating agents that cause mineral atoms to attract each other ; thus becoming bigger so that the Spa Filter can capture them. That’s where I’d start. Hard to diagnose from the internet.

  16. Could be that the original design called for water features. Could be that they are dewaterization points.

  17. I would check to make sure 8.0 is true and accurate. pH sensors need regular maintenance.

  18. Rest assured your membranes will be just fine in pH 7.8 water.

  19. Humm - need more info Like pictures of the pump / filtration system AND THE VALVES

  20. The Red door is for processing Do not process the Red Door The Green chute should not be used Choose the green chute for refunds There are no Refunds Refunds are Automatically processed in the Orange Room There are no Rooms

  21. That’s not entirely true really. My mom essentially kidnapped me and my two brothers and brain washed us into thinking our father was an abusive shitty person. I remember us moving all the time occasionally cops would visit and we would have to hide (literally hide in the house) until I get a phone call as a teen from my dad emotional saying he’s been looking for me my entire life and what I thought my name was actually isn’t my name. I finally meet him and he was the best man I’ve ever known. And the story I was fed my entire life was soooooo wrong. Became much more clear as an adult

  22. How do you know how he's feeling? He could've been be very happy to be in that cloth.

  23. Is that where “ a man of the cloth “ expression came from ? ( asking for a friend)..

  24. I too have your questions. This is from their Wiki page:

  25. I left UK in 1967, but at that time there was a B&W TV Show ( probably BBC ) called Z-Cars “Zed” cars….

  26. Oh? , I have no problem typing God. I wrote it that way , because I’ve seen that version typically used by some Jewish writers. I personally don’t adhere to any formal religion; but I respect elements of most and likewise find IMHO some ridiculous. The latter group I seek to understand better. It’s MY ignorance or My Fear that’s usually the problem.

  27. Kosher rules probably originated as a way to promote health. No cross contaminated food! Likewise Sabbath “ rest “ where energy consumption was reduced by 1/7 th May well have been an early attempt to reduce global warming 🤔….🤣🤣🤣🤣

  28. FWIW… I wear Vans - not high tops but 1 Velcro strap. At 63, they sure beat laces 😳

  29. I'm Irish and even I never heard this insane form of worship growing up after being taught by Nuns.

  30. Nuns ? , lucky you; I had the Christian Brothers, then the Patrician Brothers… I envy my kid bro’ who had the Jesuits.

  31. I haven’t tried it yet. I did buy some lurpack recently after only using cheap butter or western star (Australian).

  32. Just toast or bread slathered with Kerrygold will do the trick ! - tastes like the luster of Gold ☘️

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