1. This is a scam. They sent you a 12 word secret pass phrase. This means the sender knows it too. They’re waiting and watching the wallet to see what coins you send to it, then they’ll just send them to a wallet only they control.

  2. I thought as much, thanks for the concise answer. To be honest Ive been out of crypto for a few years just holding on to my eth, so now that you’ve explained it, all the old rules are coming back. Appreciate your detail!

  3. Share the address and phrase with us so they have to create another and we can keep an eye on what goes on with the account. You could also pass the info on the relevant law enforcement team. Likelihood is, people here will do more with the account than the law enforcement team.

  4. Ah. See, I am on my phone, so the mail address simply says coinbase. When I clicked “more info” the address that came up is this:

  5. Enjoy the crab market and get some more before the next leg up!

  6. I havent been in CC in awhile. What’s the little shark icon opposite of moons?

  7. What are everyone’s top picks this cycle. Mine are: LINK, INJ and CKB

  8. This has more red flags than Moscow, 1945. Do yourself and the baby a huge favor and move on.

  9. You have to tell him. The guilt will eat you alive if you don’t, especially if you struggle to get pregnant later

  10. Yeah YTA. You didnt go to support her, you went to show her what she was missing, and you weren’t invited.

  11. One of the biggest oil producers in the world cannot supply its own people with fuel.

  12. "Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Putinass The Delusional? I thought not. It’s not a story a westoid would tell you. It’s a Vatnik legend. Darth Putanass was a Dark Lord of the Orcs, so paranoid and so deluded that he thought he could use force to influence the Ukranians to surrender… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even ignore sending his armies to dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be tyrannical. He became so paranoid… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, and then his apprentice tried a coup. Ironic. He thought he would take Kyiv in 3 days, and soon he won’t have taken it in 3 years.

  13. NTA, so sorry for your loss. If your fiance couldnt be there for you during the worst of times, you absolutely deserve to find someone who can

  14. Option 2 definitely isn’t an option and at this point I don’t see option 1 going down too well either. I’ve tried option 3 twice now both times she went on about killing herself if I left and how she can’t live without me in her life

  15. Emotional blackmail is all that is. Best to rip off the band aid

  16. What a surprise, Ukraine’s estimates have been right all along.

  17. OK, but if there's ever a fighting type eevee evolution and it isn't named Champeon, that's a huge miss

  18. to be fair I've never seen Eminem and Kim Jong Un in the same room, food for thought!

  19. YTA because of how you handled it. “Honey, let’s start making meals together.” That’s where I’d start. Maybe she grew up on ready made staples and doesn’t know how to cook?

  20. You’re right I could’ve approached it a lot better than how I did, thank you

  21. You are NTA. Your husband needs to get it together for the sake of your relationship. A slip up is one thing, repeating it shows intent.

  22. NTA. An abuser causes pain that affects so many. Just because others think she’s great doesnt take away from what she did to you.

  23. You’re not overreacting. Coercion for sex via things needed to survive or not is disgusting either way. NTA.

  24. This is exhausting even just reading. Break it off and find someone nearby who won’t emotionally blackmail you with threats of suicide.

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