1. You should give her a chance and watch her videos. She is a lawyer and gave up a $200k a year job to fight for people and speak on injustice and free people. I think you should be open minded! Shes amazing!

  2. I feel sorry that she has that much of a hold on you. That’s really sad.

  3. She told me she needed the money to get an STD after being with you. She also said you were a dumb dirtbag, which is easy to believe.

  4. I DMd her and shared it in this sub and got chewed out. Bunch of hypocrites in this sub.

  5. Well how about a part 4 then where they come back and play cosmic god damnit

  6. So Far Away but it’s a prerecorded video from a previous concert in Japan

  7. M Shadows reads out all the Reddit comments on preferred set list options

  8. You don’t understand entirely. What you get is 2 laps in a guided group of 7 on some groomers. Once the public arrives, you’re free to go skiing. But you do not get go ski whatever you like and you certainly don’t get access to anything that opens before anyone else. 2 laps with a guide that controls what you are allows to ski. That’s what you get. And breakfast.

  9. I've no idea how Bam gets drunk on White Claw, it's a bit embarrassing. Though he is American. The average British person wouldn't get drunk on three cases of that shite.

  10. Look at that face. Pure scum. Nothing but a scammer and a swindler.

  11. Social media tells you what to believe and you go ahead and believe it. Bahhhhh

  12. Thankfully you have to commit a crime to get "locked up."

  13. You haven’t heard!? He’s been indicted on 87 counts lol

  14. Good thing being indicted doesn't mean you are found guilty or stay behind bars. Besides he's going to wrap up this medicine show when he gets back in the oval office.

  15. It’s so ironic that his whole platform is to make America great “again” yet all he does is destroy it from the inside out. And y’all love him for it. It’s crazy. You love the man too much to even notice what he’s actually doing to the country. So American.

  16. No one supporting BJ condones this stuff including Steph. We will make you regret it? Lima or her plant is really desperate.

  17. Permission from who? What consequences? You are being difficult but fail to explain why you think crown land is not for the use of everyone.

  18. Ughhh kids these days need everything explained to them because your parents failed to teach you about reality!!! Your question is categorically absurd and does not even make sense in this context. The province is legally able to establish rec sites because they are a GOVERNMENT, which you don’t seem to understand at all. As private citizens you can’t decide to use property the way you feel is best for you. There are much bigger considerations other than what you see through your own blinders. Do you walk around life with blinders on? Seems to be the case!

  19. They are a government, who owns all crown land in the province and creates rec sites for private citizens to use and enjoy. As private citizens we can use crown land as we see fit, as long as it is within the confines of the law stated by the government.

  20. You fail to recognize that I have been trolling you for 3 days now. Every comment I make is pure BS yet you continue to reply as if I make any sense whatsoever. Relax, guy, you’re way too uptight about being “correct”.

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