1. Yeah but it keeps making lower highs and lower lows. GME yolo’ers probably just postponed the inevitable.

  2. I think it's complicated. I think fake Angela is an actress who is more comfortable on camera, only on camera for very specific timeframes, and playing another person and who can say anything she wants with less fear of being judged. She also might just be more articulate or more of an extrovert / debater than Angela.

  3. Yea I don’t really see Angela as bad as people portrait and their final conversation really shows. She’s a christian nut but she is quite upfront about it.

  4. Uh I’d love to work till 81 id I have a healthy body, is well-respected and can make a difference

  5. Yeah I was looking forward to the Harden/Wall/Wood dynasty for years to come..

  6. Yea dude some fans are just delusional. Yea you can blame him for Westbrook but after shit was real bad and looking worse for CP3, no one predicted his turnaround. People also thought Boogie+Wall+Wood was some real threat. Turns out Wood isn’t even better than Capela.

  7. Get your back “cracked” by a masseur, shit is better than sex I tell you

  8. I'm that mom. My kid is obsessed with them, and I used to buy them for him if he was good during our shopping trip. However, he just enjoys the experience of opening them. He doesn't eat the chocolate creme and barely touches the toy. At $2 a pop, I just can't do it anymore. Now we just do a single donut

  9. They stopped being good like 10 years ago anyway. Who the fuck thought the new design is superior I will never know.

  10. Marriage is a hoax turning men against their own nature, which is to be the best version of themselves and impregnate as many women as possible. Stay woke.

  11. 别的不说,把新冠当个乐子是真的。得了新冠痊愈之后大家的反应都是太好了接下来几个月可以名正言顺不戴口罩了(虽然本来也不戴)。

  12. 全地球還把武肺當一回事的只有不興說。 感染了隔離幾天就沒事了

  13. 讀的是四書五經這種垃圾還真不如打遊戲,至少有0.01%機會當直播主賺點零

  14. You forgot about the people going below speed limit who are evenly spread out in all 3 lanes so that none of us can pass

  15. Honestly I am least impressed with the pilot. It’s a bit too silly because none of these are real. I found it relieving Nathan addressed and even played into this in later episodes though. Instead of “Rehearsal of the week” we got a cohesive story revolved around Nathan HIMSELF

  16. This is kind of how he used to be. A total moron but at least his heart was in the right place.

  17. He talks about “a 14 year old girl should not have to bare a rapist child” like a sure thing we universally agree. No Joe, the people you have been grifting so hard towards don’t share your thoughts.

  18. I take fat dumps on Joe here all the time, but OMG what a fucking breath of fresh air that he can at least see what's wrong with policy that directly impacts his daughter in a negative way.

  19. But this is very in line with recent Joe behaviour. Out of sight, out of mind. His empathy can only extend to things he personally is involved with.

  20. Of course he is young and wants to get paid. As long as he becomes a 35% three point shooter he will get paid

  21. Kj martin will probably not get paid. Defense is average, offense is limited.

  22. The way he blocks is too gambling. He mostly block from behind so if he fails the shooter has a clear shot and most likely go in.

  23. I love that Mike, the tough bastard that he was, had a genuine moment of introspection with jimmy. He was honest, vulnerable, and kind. Then Walt was just an asshole to him about the same question. It kinda showed with mike how jimmy wasn’t honest enough with himself to be vulnerable, but then with Walt it seemed like he got closer to being honest, but was shit down constantly by Walt’s attitude. Walt’s “vulnerability” was the same cheap, ego driven “I wish I was rich” fantasy that younger jimmy was starting to grow out of.

  24. The company was Walt’s dream though. More than Money Walt want recognition, a name for himself.

  25. This doesn’t suprise me. Everyone wants their KDA, obviously you need 4 guys against 1.

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