1. Il manque pas la planche suivante ?

  2. Tout le monde sait que depuis le quai 9 de Paris Nord, il n'est pas possible de se rendre à la gare du Nord.

  3. Il y a un passage au 9,5 il me semble

  4. Je trouve ça tellement violent. Genre il a pris le temps de l'écrire de manière manuscrite, comme une signature.

  5. as far as I know you can only use

  6. That's the solution I've found too. Thank you. My code is probably far from perfect but it should be open sourced soon, I'll link it here, it may help others.

  7. This does seem a bit "spicy" and like you could easily run into problems if you're not careful. In fact I'm not entirely sure if your drop is unproblematic right now or if you should drop the reference before reconstructing the box (miri doesn't flag it as is, but like I said I'm not sure).

  8. Leaking the reference is the best idea I had so far. I'm far for sure that it's the sole and best solution.

  9. https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2021&gist=48dc1a5d8ebc43a11dddaa64f7ace370

  10. You cannot return a reference to a local variable because the local variable will be dropped at the end of the function, and the reference would then point to invalid memory. This is a fundamental aspect of Rust's ownership model, which ensures memory safety.

  11. Deviens le père de ton frère

  12. same thing for me here can’t find anything online lmk if you find something

  13. Hi No I haven't found anything. I contacted the Xiaomi branch for my county but they said they can't do anything because the product was bought on the web. I still don't know what to do

  14. Interesting and nice balanced post. Nice to read for beginner+.

  15. Thanks. Beginner+ or maybe intermediate- is usually who I have in mind when writing, so I'm glad I hit my target. 😎

  16. Yes intermediate too. But what I found great and rare for beginners+ is that even if your example uses many different techniques it remains short and understandable so even a beginner+ can feel this wow effect '' I can do this ?! Great !''

  17. Thanks. But I just tried to found answer about loud notification. After, I sent information to this post.

  18. Thanks for the reply. I'm gonna open the speaker and see if I can fix something, even converting it to a fixed wired speaker would be great. Else it will end in the trash... Not glad about that.

  19. Nice What is your dev environment and do you have any advice for beginners?

  20. Thanks I'll check that when I'm back at my computer

  21. I agree with you. I'm also pretty sure that back in a not so ancient time /tmp was on disk and that with SSD and cache, having /tmp on tmpfs should not be the default

  22. I don't think /tmp is in tmpfs by default. I suspect that is something you added manually to /etc/fstab. Have a look.

  23. I'm pretty sure tmp is tmpfs by default. It's also the case for fedora on a similar config. Maybe it's done automatically when total ram is above a certain value. I understand the benefit of having files in ram rather than on disk, with your config with 64GB that sounds legit, but with '' only '' 32 GB backed only by 2GB of swap (default configuration) that sounds weird to me.

  24. I would definitely go with series T

  25. I think the difference was true in the past.

  26. PaperWM ! I'm waiting for Switcher. These extensions are just mandatory for me

  27. Noob here. Could you explain this code please? I don't understand what it does.

  28. Thanks for the reply. I'm probably not smart enough to understand all this but I think i learned few things 🙂

  29. I'm also getting the freeze issue (t14s, 6850u, Fedora 38, gnome) - switching to a different TTY session (ctrl + alt + f2) and back again seems to un-freeze the desktop.

  30. Thanks for the tip. On my side, I've switched to the Ubuntu iso from Lenovo. It's a bit old, based upon Ubuntu 20.04. it's quite stable.

  31. Other mostly report graphics glitch for me it's a bit harder. Just seen a post of a guy using Ubuntu with a kernel 6.4rc4 and that added ''amdgpu.dvdebugmask=0x10'' to the kernel cmdline Sadly this parameter is not enough for me, I'm gonna try the kernel upgrade.

  32. What does hx --health say? I suspect it's using OSC52, which doesn't support getting the clipboard for security.

  33. Thanks for your help. I don't know why it's working today.

  34. Wow, that's quite a jump!

  35. Hi I have a P14s AMD gen3, some kind of brother of the T14s. Running ubuntu also. I started with 22.04 but I faced total system freeze very often. I upgraded to 22.10 then 23.04, switched from wayland to Xorg. It was still the same. Then I added the "amdgpu.dcdebugmask=0x10" to the kernel cmdline. After 3 days of uptime, yesterday I faced 2 freezes (at 2 hours of delay).

  36. Looks so promising. I wish I can find more information regarding ''AssemblyScript (expect upstream support soon!)'' even some git commit would be fine.

  37. Thanks I will try this (even if I don't have great hope as the problem also happens while only using the machine through ssh)

  38. I would do git fetch && git pull Then cargo install

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