1. A true believer in Christ does not use scripture to justify their own feelings. Matter of fact, it is the religious elite and those of a selfish gain that will use scripture to justify their conscience. We know this is what Jesus used against the religious establishment of Israel at the time. Now, we are to walk in love. To love others as Christ loved us. To sacrifice our own lives to serve others and share our testimonies of what Christ has done for us. Even to speak up and share that the sinful nature is harmful to oneself. If we truly did not express our love and our concern to the cause of our own sinful nature and the sinful nature of others, then we did unjustice and did not show love. For a true believer, we know the law condemns, but through grace and coming to know Christ in all we do, transforms our hearts to show compassion, understanding, and love. For we all have sinned. When we come to having a relationship in Christ and He reveals Himself in our hearts, our hearts change to the point of wanting to sin no more. Addicts, murders, homosexuals, thieves, and many others' hearts changed on walking away from their sinful lifestyle. They are transformed, where they lay their lives now, not for personal desires, emotions, or gains, but to sacrifice on sharing the true God that brought complete joy and peace to their lives.

  2. Do you believe slavery is wrong?

  3. Absolutely slavery is wrong. This is why we need to always understand history and what has been accomplished throughout history to end slavery. We must always recognize that slavery did exist, what was accomplished to end it, and understand why it existed. We then come to understand or develop a compassion to ensure slavery does not exist, but come to understand that evil does prevail, but when we see and give value to everyone on equal grounds, example: All created equally in the eyes of God, we no longer look at others less equal.

  4. You just responded to a post from me that I posed 21 days ago. Sorry, but I honestly don't even remember what the context was that we were talking about at the time.

  5. Oh well if you’re ok with it, he should be too! 😂 We’re all supposed to be ok with whatever you are, of course! Or we’re being “drama queens.” Well why not just go ahead and Lord yourself over all the rest of us and tell us what we should be ok with according to you, please.

  6. I already did tell you what you should be ok with. Keep up.

  7. It is important to you. You keep responding, and with nothing to really say either. Don't know why my objectivly true stance is so important to you, but it is.

  8. "we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." 2 Peter 1:16

  9. I'm confused by what you mean with your last paragraph. Can you elaborate further?

  10. I literally just read about this. He was arrested for tesspassing... twice. He broke the school's anti-bullying standard, so he was expelled. He didn't go to school there anymore and continued to tresspass, and refused to leave, so they called the police.

  11. Cmon man. You’re playing games. God created man and women to be together. Jesus affirms that. There’s more to what you’re sharing and only sharing to try and discredit what I’m saying and avoid the truth of what the Bible says. God created men and women and for this reason, a man leaves his family to be with his wife. Even without God, we’re meant to be together to procreate and survive. God did not make men and women to do this and it’s very clear but you’re denying it to feel better about it. Just because they love each other, it doesn’t chang Gods design and the fact that it’s a sin. Adultery is a sin so if I cheat on my wife because I truly love this other girl, sincerely love her, I’m not going to think God will be like “you know it’s ok because you actually loved that girl”. Love doesn’t make it right. God said don’t lay with another man like you would a women. That’s not gojng to change because you love the man. It’s almost like you’ve been to a gay wedding and since I said I wouldn’t go, you’re freaking out or something like I’m telling you that you are wrong for doing that. That’s your business and between you and God. I’m just not going to do it. It’s simple

  12. I'm not playing any games. I'm demonstrating accurately that you are doing the same thing Christians in the 1800s did, and they had more to go off than you do for your argument. So, if you were born in the 1800s, you 100% would have been defending slavery and advocating that interracial marriage is a sin.

  13. Honestly. As a gay man in an age gap relationship. I feel like both have caused me different types of discrimination... legally and religiously, I have been vastly more discriminated against because of being gay, but every day on the street we get a lot of comments about the age gap more than the gay part.

  14. Don't think I've cringed harder at an OP before. Yikes.

  15. For clarification I don’t support this law because I think it is simply unnecessary because I highly doubt anyone is teaching a lesson on sexual orientation at this age level. Again though the law doesn’t prevent people from talking about LGBTQ it prevents lessons on Sexual orientation in the 3rd grade and bellow. None of it applies to older grade levels.

  16. IT DOES prevent people from TEACHING about LGBTQ in the 3rd grade and below. That includes even just explaining to a 3rd grader that "Yes, Timmy has two dads, some people have a mom and a dad, and some people have 2 dads and 2 moms. And that's ok."

  17. That's strange since Bee Movie is trans. All worker bees are female, but many present as male in the film.

  18. They just want to bee themselves

  19. Your linked study literally came to this conclusion

  20. Homosexuals absolutely are not harrassed at the same rate. Most homosexuals can't be picked out of a crowd. I am a gay man, and no one my whole life ever knew I was gay until I came out because I can pass as being straight. Hide in plain sight. The vast majority of trans people don't "pass" because they either can't afford the surgery or didn't start medications until after puberty... and even if they could pass in those ways, the people who mean the most to you would know if you did start medicating because it would alter your body, voice, and all sorts of obvious observable changes. I was able to go and be with gay men in secret if I wanted to. You can't present yourself as the opposite gender in secret. If they medicate, it outs them. If they dress in the way they want, it outs them. Everything they can do places them under public scrutiny because it becomes outwardly visible. Sexuality isn't like that.

  21. I saw somebody trying to say that they didn’t care the characters were gay, they just didn’t like seeing “PDA”.

  22. I mentioned this contradiction to a guy complaining about "PDA" in The Last of Us, but he had Game of Thrones in his username. He said he wasn't a hippocrite because he also stopped watching Game of Thrones when "HBO started showing dick".

  23. I’ve seen both, I love both, but ATLA lacks growth with a good chunk of the cast. By the end of the show it feels like toph, aang, and katara are basically the same as they were before while sokka and Zuko both grew substantially over the course of the show

  24. I would agree with Toph... but I don't know where you are coming from with Aang and Katara... Aang grew quiet a bit. I found him quiet immature and goofy in the first season, by the end he is actually pretty wise and thoughtful... still a sense of humor, but much more dialed back and matured.

  25. Eska, but in 2nd... honestly... probably Asami... she just never had any personality to me... she was like a gender swapped version of Mako... who was also my least favorite male character. Which is weird because in theory she should have been an immensely interesting character on paper with her relationship with her father. She just never felt integral to the plot again after episode 7, and I'm not sure I can even describe her personality. What is her sense of humor? What are her interests? Etc? I don't know anything other than what she thinks of Mako, Korra, or her father at specific times... That's really it.

  26. PLEASE STOP. JESUS CHRIST. Not because he needs defending but because he literally is the absolute LEAST of our problems right now. Dude isn't DOING ANYTHING AGAINST US RIGHT NOW. Literally, every single other billionaire is worse than him. We have enemies who are trying to take the rights away from LGBTQ+ people, abortion is getting outlawed, Republicans are getting more radical, and THIS is where we want to focus our attention on? Making enemies with MR BEAST?! A guy who literally hasn't done or said anything polical at all? Stop talking about him. I dont care about him. This doesnt accomplish anything good... all it's going to do is radicalize him into hating the Left and turn him into another wealthy person who hates us and won't shut up about how they hate trans people and redicalizing his young fans into the same mindset. We don't need this right now. We need to go after literally anybody else. DeSantis, Elon, Jk Rowling, The Daily Wire Crew, Fox News, Crowder, etc. Etc. Etc. We have enough enemies as is. Why make enemies unnecessarily?!

  27. I think you might be thinking of it wrong. You are thinking of her pretransition and post transition as two different people. They aren't. It's one person who has just transitioned into their current name.

  28. I unironically liked The Great Devide Episode.

  29. I mean, yehhh, like they totally not going to mess up growing body. :-) /s

  30. It doesn't. It's pretty much completely reversible. We have been using hormone blockers for cis kids for decades. The fearmongering is waaaay over the top and not justified.

  31. We get it, you had a fucked up childhood and distant parents

  32. Well, to be fair, I wouldn't take my kids to the Church of England as i disagree theologically, but in this instance, they might be taught gender ideology as well.

  33. 1 Corinthians 7:5-9 Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. 6 I say this as a concession, not as a command. 7 I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.

  34. Nearly all of these verses are talking about sex outside of marriage and absolutely none of them have anything to say about the subject at hand unless you read them with the preassimption that BDSM I "defiles' the bed, or is "sexual immorality" etc. Which is never even hinted at in these verses. Just like BDSM, having literally any form of sex "pleases the body". Which is absolutely fine under the constructs of marriage.

  35. How does BDSM honor God? Surely, it only honors pleasure.

  36. "Lmao, next time try writting your poems about how to be less cringe"

  37. If the "diversity of opinion" in question is hateful then absolutely yes. And that's how it should be. News flash, some opinions are disgusting and should not be respected. Shocker I know.

  38. Well i hate to break it to you but all lives matter would include all races religions and genders. Thinking one skin color is better or more deserving than the other is the definition of a racism.

  39. BLM isn't saying that black people are more deserving... its saying that black people are disproportionately targeted by police as a result of their skin color. They are asking to be treated the same as everyone else.

  40. Destroying small local businesses and stealing your own neighborhoods is a counterproductive "protest" that discreted the message for a vast majority of the US.

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