1. Because that's rude, and the only problem here is why the fuck a 13-15 year old girl is doing something sexual. Clearly something is worng.

  2. Of course something is wrong with that bro. Nobody at that age should do that but you're sensitive af

  3. He said that it's rude that I said that nobody wants to see the pussy of an ugly chick

  4. As a radiation safety officer by trade, Iโ€™m dying to go there.

  5. I think the verse on the leak with childish Gambino

  6. Yeah so OP was incorrect, they weren't emailed to them. Dunno why I'm getting hammered for it.

  7. Bro chill, why you even care that much?

  8. If only we could breed children (in the game ofc)


  10. Bro saying that like putting it in the dishwasher is a big help anyways

  11. But antidote still has most streams I think

  12. Bruh, why should they cancel pac for hit em up?

  13. But if you pirate the game, the only person that can take it away is you (barring court action and that) so you would effectively own that copy.

  14. Yeah idk. Wouldn't stop me from pirating tho

  15. Oh god no, same. Just saying that I can't make this particular phrase make sense. Not that I feel like I need a justification. I like some products but I don't want to pay the companies, simple as that for me.

  16. Angel oak probably the best tree to chill at

  17. I can do the same and I don't have strict parents. I think everyone can do that

  18. You are mother my balls!!!1!1!1!1!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

  19. Klingt nach einem T Shirt Spruch ๐Ÿ˜„

  20. Ein t shirt aus Gaffer und WD40 ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  21. [ัƒะดะฐะปะตะฝะพ]

  22. it's actually really lucky we got the perfect distance so our eclipses look just the way they do, it seems it's not enough to be just lucky to exist in the fisrt place we even got some extras features

  23. y'all are so much fucking cornier than drake stans and it's worse cuz you act superior from accomplishments that aren't even your own

  24. drake fans been fucking corny and embrace that shit y'all act like real hip-hop heads when you're not.

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