1. original was peak, the other ones were kinda trash, especially that one weird island one

  2. timeless and classic guns literally better than flan’s for the guns

  3. Of course you can do it. Is it cool? Idk, do you think it's cool? Loud but not too loud, idk what that means?

  4. thx for the info, and loud but not too loud means i want rumble but not dirty looks driving through neighborhoods

  5. THANK YOU! I got the receiver at a store used for like $15 and i realized i needed a remote, but i didn’t expect there was an app.

  6. Sex ed. is notoriously bad in America

  7. It’s the worst. I’ve had one similar and she made up lies about getting hurt or that someone broke into her house once just to get a reaction out of me. My favorite was when she asked if I’d be interested in having sex by the lake and I said yea that sounds fun. She immediately go “who have you been fucking at the lake”

  8. she is crazy. i see too many people like that and i’m tired of it. bs from “you cheated in my dreams” to that one lady who had a black baby and accused the guy of fucking a black girl instead of her cheating

  9. tf is wrong with these ppl like, oh geez they hire black people so they must be cumming in our lemonade

  10. best way to use is chainsaw grip and armor piercing and you can’t change my mind

  11. This looks like you allocated more RAM to the server than you have on your computer. Try lowering the number in you start.bat.

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